Sunday, July 17, 2011

4th of July (cont)

The wait was still an hour long, but there was so much to see and look at that time went by pretty quickly. We didn't eat until almost 8:00 though and our pumpkins are use to eating at 5:00. I new it would be a late dinner, so I gave them a very late snack, but they were still starving by seven. So, we did what all good parents do and bought a healthy snack for them, virgin daiquiris. Mommy and Daddy enjoyed the grown up version. They were very filling, but they did the job of tieing over the kids until supper.

We finished dinner just in time to walk out onto the deck of our restaurant and watch the fire works.
I double heart love fireworks and I couldn't wait to see them over the ocean.
The show did not disappoint. It was one of the most beautiful ones I've ever seen.

We snuck out just a little early to beat what would have been some CRAZY traffic. I was a little sad to miss the grand finale, but we were able to see them on our way out in the car and we avoided waiting in traffic for an hour or more. We missed being with family, like we usually are, for the 4th of July, but this was definitely one for the memory books! We plan to be with family and friends next year, but we are so glad to have gotten this experience.

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